Beast Mode™ can be experienced by anyone of any fitness level, as the movements and exercises are scalable. But Beast Mode™ isn't your average YMCA group exercise class!
EASTSIDE FAMILY YMCA: Complete the interest form using the button below!
PRISMA HEALTH FAMILY YMCA: The On Ramp cycle covers basic barbell movements and skills that you will need to be successful in a Beast Mode WOD (Workout of the Day). Each class consists of a warm up, skill demo, group practice, assessments/feedback and then finishes with a short workout that includes the skill learned. All classes will include options to scale or modify, also to progress with the movement as needed. Participants must complete all On Ramp classes to be allowed to join the Beast Mode classes. Participants may be able to test out of the classes if they have functional training background or experience.
Find On Ramp classes using the group exercise schedule below! Members must sign up ahead of time as class is limited to five participants per coach.
Each location has a stable of coaches.
- Olympic lifting
- Box jumps
- Burpees
- Kettlebell swings
- Tire flips
- Sprints
- Thrusters
- Jump squats
Caine Halter Family Y*
Eastside Family Y
George I. Theisen Family Y
Prisma Health Family Y*
*At our Caine Halter Family YMCA and Prisma Health Family YMCA locations, members are required to complete the On Ramp cycle before participating in Beast Mode classes.
- The original Beast Mode®class could include strength training, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics training, or mobility followed by metabolic conditioning in the workout of the day.
- Beast Mode™ Olympic Lifting is a class devoted to honing skills in the snatch and clean and jerk through drills, and Olympic weightlifting workouts.
- Beast Mode™ Fundamentals is a class open to all athletes, but it is designed with the beginner in mind. Fundamentals classes spend more time on instruction, but you're guaranteed a great workout.
- Beast Mode™ On Ramp class teaches the skills you need to be successful in a standard Beast Mode class. Fulfilling the On Ramp cycle is required before joining the Beast Mode classes at the Caine Halter Family YMCA and Prisma Health Family YMCA locations.