Spring 2025 T-Ball
The YMCA of Greenville's T-ball program is designed to be a developmental league for the youngest players. We teach kids ages 3-7 the necessary skills they need to master before moving on to play coach's pitch, travel baseball or travel softball.
Our youngest players learn to hit from a T in T-ball, and they learn to field and catch with the help of our talented coaches.
Our YMCA T-ball, softball, and baseball programs meet the athlete where they are and builds their skills from there. Whether their first season is at age 3 or age 7, YMCA coaches will help them get in the game and enjoy their experience.
For all kids ages: 3-7
Registration: March 5-31
Late Registration: April 1-7 ($20 late fee will apply)
Practices Begin: Week of April 28
Games: May 10 - June 14 (games only during last week)
Members: $85
Community: $120
Offered at:
- Caine Halter Family YMCA
- Eastside Family YMCA
- George I Theisen Family YMCA
- Prisma Health Family YMCA*
*Located at the Sports Fields at 100 Adams Mill Road, Simpsonville
Practices begin the week of April 28. Practice locations and times will vary based on your Y branch. Details subject to change.
- Caine Halter Family YMCA
- Age 3 will practice and play games on Mondays at 5:30pm. First 15 minutes will be practice, followed by a game. (April 28 will be just practice, games will begin on May 5.
- Ages 4-7 will practice once a week at 5:30pm then play games on Saturdays.
- Eastside Family YMCA
- Ages 3-5 will play on Tuesday or Thursday at 5:30pm. The first week or two will be practice. Every week after that follows will be a 15-minute warm up/practice followed by a game.
- Ages 6-7 will have a weekday practice on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays starting at either 5:30 or 6:30 pm. Coaches will choose the practice day/time for the team him or her coaches.
- George I. Theisen Family YMCA: All practices will begin at 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, or 6:45 pm on a Monday-Thursday. Coaches will choose the practice day/time for their team.
- Age 3 will have two practice days (one each week) before moving to games only. Practices most likely will be held on Tuesdays.
- Ages 4-5 will practice once a week.
- Ages 6-7 will practice once or twice a week depending on coach’s availability
- Prisma Health Family YMCA: All practices will begin at 5:30, 6:15, or 7:00 pm Monday-Friday on the Sports Fields at Adams Mill. Coaches will choose the practice day/time for their team.
- Ages 3-5 will have one practice during the week.
Games will be May 10 – June 14 at one of the YMCA of Greenville branches.
- Caine Halter Family YMCA: Games will be on Saturdays at Caine Halter or potentially at the George I Theisen Family YMCA in Travelers Rest if necessary.
- Eastside Family YMCA
- Ages 3-5 will have games on Tuesday or Thursday.
- Ages 6-7 will have games on Saturdays at Eastside and potentially Travelers Rest if necessary.
- George I. Theisen Family YMCA
- Age 3 will practice for two weeks then move to only games with a 10-minute warm up/practice beforehand. Games will be played during their regularly scheduled practice days. Games may also be scheduled during a Saturday morning or a weeknight different from their regular practice day if there is a need for a make-up game or an additional game.
- Ages 4-7 will have games on Saturdays at GIT YMCA and/or any of the other YMCA branches. We will also have one or two weeknight games during the season.
- No games will be played/scheduled on May 24 during Memorial Day weekend.
- Prisma Health Family YMCA: Games will be on some Friday nights and/or Saturday mornings/afternoons with the possibility of 1 or 2 additional weeknights. Games will be at the Sports Fields at Adams Mill and/or any of the other YMCA Greenville branches.
Coaches are expected to review their rosters and contact their players the week before practices start, after the coaches meeting. Please contact your Y's sports directors if you have not heard from your coach by the Wednesday before practices start.
- Dress comfortably (shorts, t-shirt)
- Water bottle
- Foam bat (only for Age 3)
- Helmet
- Balls and bat not required for ages 4-7
- Cleats not required but are recommended
The YMCA is committed to providing the highest quality program for you and your family. Staff is provided to oversee all operations of the practices and games. Fields are maintained and kept in safe and presentable conditions. Additionally, your child will be provided with a team jersey and hat. Every child will receive an end-of-the-year trophy. Six games are scheduled, with a guarantee of five games.
Any additional jersey ordered for a participant after the initial jersey order will be a $15 fee.
Your child should be in an age group based on their age on the first day of practices. Example: If the child is 9 at the time of registration, but turns 10 before the first day of practices, the child would need to play in the 10-11 age groups. If you feel your child can play in an older age group, you must speak with the director before the child will be moved up.
The primary forms of communication are through email & PLAYERSPACE. The YMCA will communicate practice schedules, game schedules, and other important information throughout the season via PLAYERSPACE. Please add the @ymcagreenville.org and @playerspace.com domains to your safe sender list so emails do not go to your junk folder.
We appreciate your understanding of these policies.
We try our hardest to accommodate all requests, but the YMCA cannot guarantee any requests that are made for practice days, times, coaches, etc. Please note, that if you want to switch teams after jerseys have been ordered if you have the wrong size, there will be a $12-$20 additional fee added to your account. This covers the new jersey and the shipping fee.
PLAYERSPACE is a tool that the Y uses to keep parents and coaches informed. This program will enhance your experience and keep you informed throughout the season. You can message your coach & fellow parents, sync your game schedule to your phone, post pictures, etc.
You will receive a Playerspace email prompting you to login or sign up to see your practice information.
Practices: The Sports Director will call practices under severe weather (lighting, thunder storms, tornado watch), ongoing hard rain, snow/ice, unfavorable field conditions, and/or any possible weather threats. Otherwise, any other weather conditions such as small rain showers will be at the discretion of the coach. This is for all ages. Please get a contact list of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Team parent to see if practice is called off. If the YMCA does call practices, the decision will be made by 5:00pm. Always check with your coach to see if it’s cancelled.
Games: The Sports Director will call games at the earliest time possible. The Sports Director will call or email all coaches as soon as a decision is made. This decision will be made by 5:00pm for weekdays and 8:00am on Saturdays. After this time, all decisions will be made on the field and information will be given to the Member Services desk at the YMCA. Always check with your coach to see if it’s cancelled.
Awards will be given to coaches before the end of the season. It is up to coaches to pass them out after the last game or at a party. If you would like your team to have a party to pass out awards, get with your coach and/or team parent to help set one up.
Yes! Please visit this link to complete the Financial Assistance form. Please allow at least 10 business days for this process. You must already be approved for Financial Assistance at the time of registration in order to receive your discounted rate for the season.
For questions on this process, please call the Y at (864) 412-0288.
March 10 - April 28: A full refund will be issued.
April 29 - May 10: A credit or refund will be issued minus $20.
May 11 and later: No refund can be issued, except for emergencies and/or doctor’s note.